To Blog or Not to Blog…that is the question

So, my photography website has been up and running since the end of January, plus I’ve had my ordering site for almost two years now. The fine people at JB Systems who designed my website suggested that I have a blog, in additon to a Twitter account and Linked In. When the suggestion was made, I thought to myself is all that really necessary? Do people really want to read my blog, follow me on Twitter? Sometimes I just do not understand all of this social media.

Those of you who are my Facebook friends know that I love to post tons of photographs. And I love to creep-as my kids call it-on everyone else’s photos. It’s kind of taken the place of having a friend or relative over and taking a look at your photo albums. I once said that I could go into a stranger’s home and look through their photo albums! I can truthfully admit that I have never made anyone sit down to watch my home videos!

I do enjoy reading a few other blogs…usually having to do with photography or Photoshop. My favorite is the Pioneer Woman. She cooks, photographs her food and blogs about it, along with stories of her chaps- and Wranger jeans-wearing husband and her four darling kids. Maybe I will blog about my kids. I’m sure they would love that! I make quite a few status updates on Facebook about them anyway.

So to my fellow bloggers -shoutout to Dawn- and fellow writers – shoutout to Julian- I hope to make you proud!

You can follow me on Twitter at sayresphoto. I will tweet as soon as Emily gets home from school and shows me how to do it…and maybe why to do it:)

I will attach a photo from my spring Sunday stroll with Emily…and Mary theKitty and Sandee dog.

On second thought, I won’t because I keep getting an error reading and I don’t have trusty Alex here to figure it out.

Maybe next time…

2 thoughts on “To Blog or Not to Blog…that is the question

  1. Good for you Shelly! I hope you come to enjoy blogging as I have. You’re off to a great start! And FYI, you are now added to my favorites bars , along with my other favorite bloggers!

  2. Some body has to start this thing out!! – taking a ‘break’ at work – one of those days, so i thought i would leave some comments – One thing i note about cameras is the way i see the world through that view finder… its always so cool, so different, and i start to see things a lot differently – its so very interesting… the focus or the angle or the light or what ever, it changes and is just fun… i like the perspective shelley ends up with in so many of her photo’s… i can see the fun she is having in her photos. I think all the shots of the kids are just really neat – i don’t know all of them, but those i do, i think, from my perspective, she really caught who they are… any way, i’m glad she has such passion… I better jump back into work…

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